推特網友Thomas McFall最近就遇到類似的事情,他在推特上po出文章表示,「上管理課時,我每天都固定坐在前排的某一個位置上,基本上我都坐那,不會亂更動位置。最近,有一個從中東來的留學生坐到我旁邊。」
Hey guys, I know I usually just post shitty jokes on my Twitter but bear with me because I wanted to share something.
— Thomas McFall (@thomas___mcfall) 2018年4月9日
So in one of my Management classes I sit in the same seat in the front every day. Every single day I sit there.
Now, I also sit next to some foreign guy that
barely speaks English. The most advanced thing I've heard this guy say in English is "Wow, my muffin is really good".
— Thomas McFall (@thomas___mcfall) 2018年4月9日
This guy also has a habit of stacking every item he owns in the exact space I sit. His bag, his food, his books, and his phone are ALWAYS right on my desk space.
I was ALWAYS annoyed with this guy. I'm thinking "Dude, you know I sit in this seat every day. Why are you always stacking your shit here? And the last thing I want to do is give a guy who barely speaks my language high fives at 8 in the morning"
— Thomas McFall (@thomas___mcfall) 2018年4月9日
Just get your shit off my desk
As I'm standing there on my phone another guy who was also late walks into the class before me and tried to take my seat since it's closest to the door.
— Thomas McFall (@thomas___mcfall) 2018年4月9日
The guy sitting next to me stops this dude from sitting down and says "I'm sorry. My good friend Thomas sits here."
It was then that I realized this guy wasn't putting stuff on my seat to annoy me. He was saving me the seat every morning.
— Thomas McFall (@thomas___mcfall) 2018年4月9日
And this whole time he saw me as a friend but I was too busy thinking about myself to take him into consideration.
Cheesy as it sounds, I was touched.
VIA indianexpres