Aquarium Elevator in Berlin, Germany
This elevator with an additional alarm button near the ground in case you can’t get up from r/mildlyinteresting
This elevator has foot buttons
Elevator floor painting *nope*
My hotel in Odessa (Ukraine) tells you which day it is by changing the elevator carpet every day from r/mildlyinteresting
This centre for long term ill elders redesigned their elevators to create less anxiety and avoid patients running away. from r/pics
The colorful button panel on the elevators of our children’s hospital from r/mildlyinteresting
This elevator has a call button 30 ft away so the doors will be open by the time you get to them. from r/mildlyinteresting
The elevators in my office building have an umbrella sign that lights up if it's raining outside (Osaka, Japan) from r/mildlyinteresting
This elevator shows how close to capacity it is based on the weight of the riders from r/mildlyinteresting
This elevator has a Shuffle button
VIA boredpanda