那如果你家突然間多了250隻蟋蟀活蹦亂跳,那會是什麼地獄般的景象啊...這個可怕的事就發生在美國。美國的華盛頓郵報記者英格拉姆(Christopher Ingraham)家裡養了一隻很會吃的鬃獅蜥「Holly」,牠平常最愛吃的食物就是蟋蟀了。
Alright folks, I’ve got a 30-day subscription pass to The Washington Post, the global standard bearer in cricket journalism, up for grabs. Reply with a pic of your bearded dragon and Holly here will select the winner, at random pic.twitter.com/t4NrdbgChU
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2019年1月3日
So, a shipment of crickets for the lizard arrived via FedEx today. It was my first time ordering bulk crickets off the internet, and I naively assumed that they would be in like, a bag or some other contraption to facilitate easy transfer to another container. They were not.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
They were in a cardboard box. And I cut the tape and opened the box and SURPRISE! Crickets everywhere. It was the middle of the workday and I didn't have time to deal with cricket logistics, so I put the tape back on the box.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
And then I put the box in the upstairs bathroom, the only semi-contained place in the house where I knew the kids and the cats and the dogs wouldn't be able to get at the box and tear it open and unleash 250 hungry crickets into our warm, semi-humid environment.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
About 20 minutes later I'm back at work on my computer, and I hear my wife in the kitchen: "where are these goddamn crickets coming from." I freely admit I had not kept her fully up-to-date on my cricket purchasing plans.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
And at first I was like "okay, maybe one or two got out when I initially opened the box. No biggie." I kept working.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
With the benefit of hindsight, this was a mistake.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
I'm trying to wrap up a story but I keep hearing cricket-related exclamations coming from the kitchen. Eventually I get up to investigate. I say, "So uh the crickets got here toda--"
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
I say "That's a good question. Let me check something." I walk over to the bathroom. I open the door. There are crickets. Everywhere.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
Crickets on the floor. Crickets on the walls. Crickets in the sink. Crickets in the toilet.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
For some reason my first instinct is to flush the toilet, as if that will do anything to solve the problem of crickets in all the other places that were not the toilet. I shut the door. "Uh, don't come in here!" I try to sound cheerful.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
Apparently I had not sealed the box shut as well as I should have. I ended up rushing out to the shed, in the 18" of snow and below zero temperatures, to pick up a spare aquarium we had. I spent about 45 minutes collecting crickets from the bathroom.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
Of course by this point many had migrated elsewhere. They were in the closet. In the shoes. Making their way downstairs to the playroom. The cats were having what I can only imagine was the greatest day of their lives.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
I tried to collect all of them. It was like the world's shittiest game of Pokemon. But here we are, roughly 10 hours after the initial catastrophe, and stray crickets are still turning up in odd places.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
「最後,我會把這件事公開,是因為如果明天我沒有發任何一條更新推特,那一定是因為半夜在床上發現蟋蟀後,我被我老婆殺了。以上是記者來自Red Lake Falls的現場報導。」
I make this information public because if I do not send any tweets tomorrow, it is because my wife murdered me after finding a cricket in our bed in the middle of the night.
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) 2018年12月29日
And that's the news from Red Lake Falls.
VIA twitter