Happy Friday Night! 星期五下班最適合和朋友小酌幾杯,放鬆心情。那你知道「酒」除了可以叫 alcohol 之外,還有很多種說法嗎?讓我們舉起酒杯,邊喝邊看吧!
A: I am going to host a potluck party in my apartment this Friday. Would you like to join us? (我這周五要在我家辦百樂趴。你要參一咖嗎?)
B: Oh, definitely! I can bring some food and booze. (噢,一定要的啊!我可以帶些食物還有酒水。)
I don’t want to spend my whole weekend boozing in a bar alone—that’s so pathetic! (我不想要整個周末都一個人泡在酒吧裡喝酒--那樣太可悲了!)
很酷吧!sauce 這個字除了「醬汁」的意思外,也可以代稱酒精類飲品唷!常見的搭配用法有 on the sauce,表示「喝太多、喝多了」,以及 lay off the sauce,表示「戒酒、不再沾酒」,通常是用來勸人別再酗酒。例如:
In the movie Naked, the protagonist found himself stripped off in an elevator when he woke up in the morning. However, he didn’t know why since he was on the sauce the night before. (在電影《裸》當中,主角早上起來發現自己被人扒光衣服,困在電梯中。但是他不知道為什麼會這樣,因為他前一晚喝多了。)
A: Dude, I think you should lay off the sauce, otherwise your girlfriend will leave you forever. (兄弟,我覺得你別再喝了,不然你女朋友要離開你了。)
B: Yeah, I know, but I just can’t help it. I feel really overwhelmed at work. (唉,我知道,但我就是忍不住。我工作壓力真的太大了。)
liquor, spirit
最後這兩個字指的是「烈酒」,製作過程中除了發酵外,還要經過「蒸餾」的程序,酒精濃度平均都超過 35%,像是 vodka(伏特加)、whisky(威士忌)和 tequila(龍舌蘭)。要注意,beer(啤酒)沒有經過蒸餾,不包含在內唷!
※ 另外,酒精含量較低的混合酒稱為 cocktail(雞尾酒),近年風靡於女性之間的「喝了搖曳」則是一種 sour(沙瓦),酸酸甜甜的非常好喝!
booze it up
Today is Todd’s last day of being single, so he boozed it up as if there was no tomorrow. (今天是 Todd 單身的最後一天,所以他沒命似地爆喝一波。)
binge 的意思為「毫無節制」,所以 binge-drink 就叫做「爆喝、酗酒」。來看個例子:
Binge-drinking while pregnant could lead to serious consequences for your baby, and even cause miscarriage.(懷孕期間酗酒可能會對小孩造成嚴重的傷害,甚至有可能流產。)
另外,binge-watch 指的就是「追劇」,一個晚上看完好幾集甚至一整季的那種;binge-eat 則是「暴飲暴食」的意思。
get wasted
這個片語可不是被浪費的意思唷!get wasted 為「喝到爛醉、醉得不省人事」的意思。來看個例子:
I got wasted last night. I don’t even know how I got home and took off my clothes. (我昨晚醉到不行。我甚至不知道自己怎麼到家和把衣服脫掉的。)