正當大家都束手無策時,一名顧客Major Hillard突然跑出餐廳,從車上拿了名叫LifeVac的氣道抽吸器回到餐廳,並將抽吸器對準男童的嘴巴,成功將噎住的鬆餅取出,這才讓男童恢復意識和呼吸,隨後救護人員趕到,將男童送往醫院。
The moment a baby's life was savedAn entire restaurant holding their breath as a baby is brought back to life. Here's that moment of relief sweeping over the room.
While there's a lot going on [you can briefly see the man using the LifeVac on Gabriel], the other things I can't help but notice are the audible sound of relief as chunks of pancake were sucked out of the baby; a server watching on as if it were her own; a woman consoling the mother; and another family watching over the mom and dad's other two daughters.
由 Josh Berry 發佈於 2021年9月20日 星期一
男童的父母瞬間鬆了一口氣,事後爸爸Jon Koehler也在臉書上發文感謝當時出手相救的顧客Major Hillard,並表示:「如果不是他,鬆餅很有可能已經奪去了我兒子的性命。」
My son, Gabriel, almost died today. He was legit blue and motionless. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen....
由 Jon Koehler 發佈於 2021年9月12日 星期日
當地媒體實際找到勇敢救人的Major Hillard,他坦言這個急救設備放在車上已經5年了,這次是第一次使用,結果第一次用就上手,成功保住男童性命,他自己也意想不到。
餐廳內的監視器影片畫面曝光後,在網路上引起熱議,根據《ABC哥倫比亞》記者Josh Berry在臉書上的發文,值得注意的是,事發時餐廳內有一家人安撫這對夫妻的其他2位女兒,警方一聽到呼叫也連忙放下早餐趕來,而上前協助的護理師其實是已經退休,直到男童送醫後,護理師都還在安撫爸爸。
10-month-old savedThere's more to the story here. After Gabriel's life was saved and he was on the way to the hospital, you'll notice a few things:
▪️ A family watching over the Koehler's two daughters
▪️ The Irmo police officer who had come back from eating his breakfast to help when he heard the 9-1-1 call.
▪️ The retired RNs who came to help with CPR still comforting the dad.Gabriel's father has already thanked everyone involved but I wanted to show it in action.
由 Josh Berry 發佈於 2021年9月20日 星期一
via news18、abccolumbia