加拿大肯諾拉的湯普森(Emme Thompson)養了一隻名叫Finn的狗狗,過去和爸爸出去散步時,爸爸將牽繩鬆開讓牠去草叢裡跑步放電,沒想到牠就這樣一去不復返,不論怎麼喊怎麼叫都不回來,讓他猜測可能是看到鹿之後,跑去追鹿了,因為牠平時就很愛追鹿。
thank you SO much for all the nice messages and replies asking about finny! i wish i had time to answer all of them - they let us off with a warning and he is going to be just fine! pic.twitter.com/yDakSOAY2a
— emme (@emmethompsonn) April 16, 2018
someone called the police on my dog because he ran away and attacked a deer and i know this is serious but the sight of him in the cop car i’m alskdjfhsgh pic.twitter.com/czZqzzc3x3
— emme (@emmethompsonn) April 14, 2018
via twitter