澳洲警方日前拍下了一名毒販發現毒品不見的驚恐表情,引發網友爆笑,毒販Christian Tachev事先將毒品埋在郊區,後來戴著手套回到原地想取出毒品,挖掘25分鐘後發現毒品不翼而飛,他原地傻愣,還雙手插腰一臉苦惱的樣子,彷彿就像是在說「乾,怎麼會這樣!」
▲毒販將毒品埋在樹林中,發現找不到後眼神呆滯。(圖/翻攝自Australian Federal Police,下同)
25歲的Christian Tachev平日是一名健身教練兼賣電子菸,私底下卻是毒品集團的一員,還取得高層的高度信任,負責運輸冰毒和金錢,不過他很早就被警方盯上。去年3月19日,他開車進入郊區的灌木叢中,將價值1000萬美元(約新台幣2.8億元)的10公斤冰毒埋入土壤。
Perth man jailed for trafficking 15kgs of meth and illicit cashA 25-year-old Perth man has been jailed for 11 years for his role as a drug and cash courier for a drug trafficking syndicate.
The Australian Federal Police arrested the man in April 2021 after officers watched him move about 15kgs of methamphetamine and cash around Perth.
The court was told that the man was sent GPS co-ordinates from his boss telling him where to pick up and drop off drugs, including burying them in bushland around suburban Perth.
He was seen burying about 10kgs of methamphetamine in Edgewater and police found another 5kgs in Queens Park, where the man had been.
When arrested, AFP officers found $17,355 cash, a hand shovel and dirty gardening gloves in a bag in his car.Read more: https://www.afp.gov.au/news-media/media-releases/perth-man-jailed-trafficking-15m-meth-and-illicit-cash
由 Australian Federal Police 發佈於 2022年4月5日 星期二
Tachev在今年4月6日進行最後審判,西澳最高法院法官Joseph McGrath認為,他的行為完全出自於經濟利益,加上毒品埋藏的位置隱密,僅能靠GPS尋找,可見計劃縝密程度相當高,判處11年有期徒刑,7年半可假釋。而Tachev遭逮後,也開始擔心身邊家人會遭販毒集團報復。
via dailymail