今年28歲的Cameron Dixon,酒後騎摩托車,結果被監視器拍下騎車已經搖搖晃晃還堅持要去麥當勞得來速購餐的身影,他摔車後員工上前查看,發現顧客酒駕便立刻報警,員警到場後,他才坦言騎車前是和家人一起喝酒,酒測後確定酒測值超標被逮捕。
▲點餐窗口前慘摔車。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/Sussex Police)
負責此案的Sergeant Ambrose警官表示,影片中顯示他的行走狀態非常不穩定,騎車的狀態也很糟糕,等於是讓自己和用路人都身陷危險之中,也鼓勵民眾,若有看到酒駕請勇於向警方檢舉。
Motorcycle rider arrested at McDonald's in Eastbourne for being over the alcohol limitThis is the moment an officer arrested a motorcycle rider for being over the legal alcohol limit.
Footage showed how the rider Cameron Dixon twice fell off his vehicle as he entered the drive through area at McDonald's in Eastbourne.
Yet he still claimed he was ok to ride home, despite being over the limit.
Roads Policing Unit Sergeant Chris Ambrose said: "The footage shows how unsteady Dixon was. He was in no fit state to be riding his motorcycle that night.
“He put his own safety, and the safety of other road users, at risk.
“This case demonstrates the ongoing importance of reporting potential drink-drivers to the police."
Read more about the case here https://orlo.uk/XX6a1
由 Sussex Police 發佈於 2023年5月23日 星期二