黑人男子喬治‧佛洛伊德(George Floyed)在美國警方的執法過當下死亡後,全美各地爆發大規模示威抗議,警民衝突日漸升溫。就在5月30日,一名22歲的抗議者疑似因為警察過激的鎮暴手段而死亡。
住在俄亥俄州的莎拉‧葛羅斯曼(Sarah Grossman)是俄亥俄州立大學的學生。她在死前2天參與了抗議佛洛伊德之死的示威,當時警察動用催淚瓦斯和辣椒水驅離群眾,莎拉也受到波及。
I know that today is black out Tuesday and in honor of that, i want to talk about my best friend. As some of you know, on 5/30 we lost one of the most kindest, beautiful souls, my sister Sarah. If you had ever met Sarah, you know that she impacted every persons life that she touched. She never cared about what anyone thought of her, only caring about helping others. She had just graduated from OSU with a major in environmental sciences and Spanish. Her plans were to first finish classes in Argentina and then go to the border of Mexico to help the children there, followed by moving to Guatemala to have a sustainable farm. She has been my rock, my biggest inspiration and role model, and most importantly the best friend I have ever had. I promise to carry on her legacy and finish the things she was starting. I will always love you and no day will go by where I don’t think about you with love from your little sister. For those of you asking about donations, my family and I would love for you to donate to one of the organizations she was fighting for the most. These include the Rainforest Alliance (in bio) as well as the Columbus Freedom Fund ( https://columbusfreepress.com/article/give-bail-fundfreedom-fund-arrested- demonstrators) . Thank you all for the love and support. I will never stop fighting. #forsarah
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