A video from the Republic of the Congo documents the biggest surprise for some villagers in this country, as an entire mountain filled with gold was discovered!
— Ahmad Algohbary (@AhmadAlgohbary) March 2, 2021
They dig the soil inside the gold deposits and take them to their homes in order to wash the dirt& extract the gold. pic.twitter.com/i4UMq94cEh
The moment of washing the dirt and extracting the gold. #Congo pic.twitter.com/7L1V1Clm30
— Ahmad Algohbary (@AhmadAlgohbary) March 2, 2021
根據英國廣播公司指出,該處土壤約有60%至90%的黃金,而剛果南基伍省礦業部長Venant Burume Muhigirwa則表示:「大批湧入民眾已經成為當地村莊的負擔,目前也已發布命令,禁止民眾、商人和所有武裝部隊私自開採。」而發布禁令的另一目的,則是為了確認礦工是否已在手工採礦監管機構中註冊,保障他們的權益。
via unilad