英國日前出現一名奇怪的跳舞大盜Abdelhadi Bahou-Jabour,先是在路邊假裝講電話,然後找上一對正在親熱的夫妻攀談(也挑得太不是時候了吧),接著開始熱舞…但與其說是跳舞,看起來應該比較像是做一些奇怪的動作XD。
▲英國竊賊邊跳舞邊搶劫。(圖/翻攝自Facebook/West Midlands Police,下同)
當地警方表示,一般的竊賊通常會在被害者不注意時加以行竊,但Bahou-Jabour卻相反,他會和受害者直接接觸,再透過其他方式轉移受害人的注意力,最終趁機下手。而員警Mat Evans則指出:「這種手法偷竊的成功率很高,但難度高、需要長時間訓練,以前從來沒見過這種手法,而Bahou-Jabour的特殊舞蹈動作,也是我見過最奇怪的招式。」
Strictly Come Stealing! Dancing pickpocket caught on camera is jailed#UPDATE | A sly street thief caught on camera breaking out a bizarre dance to distract victims before stealing their Rolex watches has been jailed for more than two years.
We’ve released CCTV footage showing Abdelhadi Bahou-Jabour, who lives in Nottingham, approaching a couple on Colmore Row in Birmingham city centre at midnight on July 10.
He strikes up some banter, high-fiving the pair, before launching into his street moves that sees him grind up against the woman before flicking out his leg.
Unbeknown to her it’s a finely-tuned distraction technique as within seconds he’s slipped her £9,000 Rolex watch from her wrist.
Bahou-Jabour then tries the same trick on her partner but fails as the watch snags on the man’s shirt cuff.
We released the footage of his crimes last month, and yesterday he was jailed for two years and three months for two robberies and an attempted robbery.
Find out how we caught him http://ow.ly/JDh950G36vo
由 West Midlands Police 發佈於 2021年10月7日 星期四
via bbc